“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV
I love flowers. But I’ve found myself being more excited when I see flower buds than blooms because I know from experience what will happen: the bud grows and opens into a beautiful flower, looking nothing like it did as a tiny bud.

I see this budding and blossoming with my students, and I’m a teacher who is more excited by the progress than the final product, by what happens during rehearsal rather than during the concert.
But what about in my own life? Where do I see buds? What does my experience tell me will happen?
And do I give myself time to bloom, looking back to see where God has brought me from and where He’s brought me to? Because if I do, I’ll see how He truly is my provider and guide (Psalm 31:3 ESV).
It can be easy to compare our personal budding and blooming with those around us, but keep this in mind: Different types of flowers grow in different ways. Some blossom slower than others, some grow with multiple buds at once, and some blossom with a huge bloom.
And here’s something else to consider: blossoms shrivel (sorry for the turn of events, but stick with me here). Sometimes something will bloom and blossom on your life for a time and then it’s gone: an activity you no longer do, friends you no longer see, interests you no longer have. But that’s okay. Because unless the plant is completely dead, there will be more buds. Let’s be on the lookout for more buds.
Where do you see buds and blooms in your life?
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV