
Are You Ready?

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 ESV

April showers bring May flowers.

Wrong. April showers bring allergies and congestion.

I do my best to prepare for the beautiful, hopeful, pollen-induced season that greets us each April. I start my allergy medicine early so it’ll be in my system by the time full-fledged allergies begin. I use nasal spray daily. I have a humidifier in on my desk in my classroom. I do my best to be ready.

Despite my best intentions and efforts, every year I know I’m going to have one week of discomfort. One week during which Mother Nature gets ticked off, resulting in temperature mood swings and pollen caked on my car. 

But I know I can survive the week. From experience, I know to give myself a break and get more sleep. I know to keep the throat drops handy, and to pay extra attention to staying hydrated. 

I’m ready for allergy season.

But what else am I ready for?

  • Bad days?
  • Days filled with indifference?
  • Fight-or-flight days?
  • Days of doubt?
  • Days of being wrong?
  • Days of being insulted?

How do we get ready?

By remaining in God’s presence.

Rejoice in Hope

We can have hope in the future because of what God did in the past. The Bible is filled with stories of God’s goodness, and we can take hope that the God of the Bible is our God of today and tomorrow (Hebrews 11:1 ESV).

Be Patient in Tribulation

Noah certainly lived in a time of tribulation (Genesis 6:11-13 ESV). Scripture doesn’t tell us what Noah was thinking or feeling during this time, but we do know that when God gave him instructions, he followed them: “Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him” (Genesis 7:5 ESV). And when the rains came and Noah was on the ark with his family and the animals, he had to patiently wait for the waters to rescind. And the result of his obedience and patience was a covenant with God (Genesis 9:8-11 ESV). 

Be Constant in Prayer

It’s so cool that the God who created the universe wants to talk with us. That’s what prayer is. So praying constantly keeps us in God’s presence. Ephesians 6:18 ESV says,”praying at all time in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.” Interestingly, this verse follows God’s instructions for putting on the Armor of God. Hmm, there’s another way for us to be ready. (Click here to read more about the Armor of God.)

And get this – We are meant to be ready.

So. . . are you ready?

What will you do this week to be ready?

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 ESV


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About Me

Kim Russell

I am a teacher, musician, worship leader, daughter, sister, runner, kickboxer, beach reader, and lover of God’s Word.

Thanks for reading! ~Kim

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2 responses to “Are You Ready?”

  1. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

    Romans 12:12 is a highly appropriate verse to keep in mind these days–to keep hope fresh, patience close-at-hand, and prayers constantly flowing. Our God does indeed provide the means to be ready for whatever comes our way. Thank you, Kim!

  2. […] Romans 12:12 from a few weeks ago? (Read it here) It says, “Rejoice in hope. . . ” The Oxford Language Dictionary […]