
Using the Light

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 ESV

I love the Word of God. I love that it is both comforting (like my comfort books, Genesis and Psalms) and convicting (“Love is. . . ” in 1 Corinthians).

I am amazed at how God shoots scriptures to my heart that make me stop and go “ouch”.

So it was no surprise when this scripture popped into my head during a morning run.

I occasionally enjoy running in the dark. (Dear family, please don’t send me worried texts – I wear reflective pants and a neon yellow windbreaker that makes it looks like a beacon in the night is trotting down the road. And I only run on well-lit main roads, because I’ve seen enough crime shows to know if I run along the edge of the woods, I’ll see a body, but if I run in the woods, I’ll be the body.)

There’s one spot on my route that is void of direct light. But since I know the terrain well, I spend more time looking directly in front of my feet to avoid expected potholes than I do looking at what’s in my path. 

Big mistake.

One morning a car came up behind me, and the headlights shown on something white in my running path.

That’s right, good morning Pepe Le Pew.

I know God was watching out for me, because no cars came down the road as I bolted across the street.

Psalm 119:105 popped into my head as a realized I knew the familiar terrain, but wasn’t using what light I had available to see what was ahead in my path. Especially because the interruption in my path was unexpected.

But His Word is a lamp to my feet (where I currently am) and a light to my path (where I’m going).

So, if the Bible is true, then God’s words will give me wisdom, comfort, and clarity about my current circumstances, as well as for my future circumstances.

But I need to know His words. And that only happens by spending time reading them. 

And thinking about what they mean.

And then reading them again.

And again.

So they become ingrained in my memory.

And all of this came in handy this week when I spotted a Turkey in my path. Thankfully he chose to cross the road. . . to get to the other side (aww, come on, you can chuckle at that poor attempt at a joke). 

Check out this song: “Thy Word”

Do you have a favorite memorized scripture? What scripture may help with your current circumstances?

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 ESV


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About Me

Kim Russell

I am a teacher, musician, worship leader, daughter, sister, runner, kickboxer, beach reader, and lover of God’s Word.

Thanks for reading! ~Kim

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